

Hero (3)

The Problem

Crypto donations are on the rise having reached $500M in 2021 and expected to grow into the billions within this decade. However, a majority of 1.5 million nonprofits in the U.S. do not have a means of accepting crypto donations due to the complicated nature of web3. In comes Givepact whose mission it is to help 100 nonprofits launch Web 3 projects in March 2023. They're different from other platforms because of the community they're building for the nonprofit industry to share knowledge and learnings about web3, as well as their social impact DAO, funded by a portion of each donation made, where token holders can vote on causes and projects to fund. Their challenge for us was to design a crypto donation platform that engages both donors and nonprofits and highlights their key offerings.

The Solution

We kicked off the project with a workshop to get a better understanding of their goals and identify their user personas and key challenges. Our priorities were to A) create a donation flow that is frictionless to encourage donor activity, and B) easy onboarding for nonprofit organizations. We accomplished this by reducing cognitive load wherever possible: unique micro-flows based on the donation method or asset and progressive onboarding steps for nonprofit users new to web3. After a couple days of design jamming, we ended the workshop with user flows, sitemap, and a low-fidelity wireframe prototype.

Next, we moved onto creating the high-fidelity prototype. We developed a design system and finished the UI with an aesthetic that's modern and minimal but still professional and bold. With this prototype as their core product demo, Givepact was able to win first place at Consensus' Extreme Tech Challenge Web 3 Pitchfest.

After Givepact had completed their rebranding, we were tasked with redesigning the product using the new branding guidelines. We took this opportunity to further build out the design system as well as refine and improve the user flows based off of new business directions and market findings.