
IPFS Stash Dapp

IPFS Stash Hero

The Problem

IPFS is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Great tools exist today, like Pinata, but easily adding assets to IPFS within a normal browser workflow was not straightforward during the time of this experiment.

The Solution

At the ETH Denver 2019 Hackathon, we prototyped an improved user experience for IPFS: a Chrome extension that allows users to access IPFS with a single click in a Chrome browser. The extension also includes a dashboard for organizing and managing local files using IPFS Mutable File System (MFS).

We received multiple rewards at the Hackathon, and continued experimentation with several members of the IPFS community in the following months.

Read more about the project on our blog.

Note: This was designed and built during a two-day hackathon event, and does not represent typical final deliverable quality.