
Journey Studio Platform

Journey Studio Platform Hero Image

The Problem

The Journey Studio team needed a platform for leaders to construct and share step-by-step “Growth Plans.” Leaders also desired data-driven insights to understand how their audience was progressing, and how they might adjust coaching content for better results. The product needed to be extremely accessible, with easy onboarding and support for hundreds of device types, low bandwidth internet connections, and a range of mobile and web capabilities.

The Solution

We leveraged user research studies, rapid prototyping, and modern tech to quickly design and build the right features. Weekly design and prototype iterations resulted in a six week initial deliverable. Beyond the first successful MVP launch, we continued rapid prototyping iterations to continuously adjust and improve a customer informed feature set.

Future deliverables included a scalable design system, component library, and GraphQL API infrastructure, which allowed seamless integration with the company's various products and services.

We applied PWA (Progressive Web App) best practices to design and build an engaging web application that would scale to millions of active users. Instead of rebuilding mobile functionality, we leveraged a scalable design system and component library to extend desktop functionality into responsive mobile features, creating a rich end user experience.