


The Problem

Medallion sought to build white-label, web3-gated, music artist communities that could engage artist fan audiences largely unaware of web3, and live up to Medallion’s promise that the artist owns the community. Medallion wanted to prove out their concept quickly, needed the communities to be friendly to an audience that would likely be web3 unaware, and through it all be authentic to the artist’s brand.

The Solution

We used our expertise in web3 (and web2) technologies and leant into Next.js/Vercel to build a single application that is both extremely fast and able to support many token-gated communities.

To ensure that the artist’s brand carries throughout their fan community, we built a theming system that uses design tokens with a rich set of default terms, backed by many additional, optional tokens. It is both straightforward, yet nuanced in its granularity.

And to get the product out quickly, we iterated on consistent, mobile-focused designs that featured rich components, such as a retro album experience for token-gated music, helping those new to web3 focus on the artist and their music, and not the tech.